Hillsdom - Tell Me Your Lies / Stone Soul - ProgRAM / PRGRAM131
Mark Dinimal - Real Monsters EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM129
Monument Banks - True Friends EP - Four Corners Music / 4CM030
Covert Garden - Cyrus / Dead Zone - Prototype Recordings / PROREC012
Various Artists - Programmed Vol. 5 - ProgRAM / PRGRAM127
Kastro - Creation of The Black EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM128
Scout 22 – Cybernetic Synthetic & Remixes - Druid Records / DRD030
Nuvertal - Apogee EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM126
Encarta - Burna EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM125
Unxnown - Kingston Jive / Booty Call - ProgRAM / PRGRAM124
Quentin Hiatus - Mango Ice Cream EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM123
Toronto Is Broken - Reminisce (Feat. Natty Campbell) - YANA Music / YANA013
Cutworx - Zen Champ EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM121
Jam Thieves - Dub Version / Gimme Da Funk - ProgRAM / PRGRAM122
Low:r - The Journey EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM119
Danger - Rise Up / Problems - ProgRAM / PRGRAM118
Mark Dinimal - The Night / Bide - Hyperactivity Music / HYP-032
Various Artists - Programmed Vol. 4 - ProgRAM / PRGRAM117
Jake Robertz & Sorsari - Lunar EP - ProgRAM / PRGRAM116
Uttersounds feat. Dyzlexic / Viper - IN:DEEP Music / IN:DEEP038