"Alvin, Simon, Theodore. Cobain, Novoselic, Grohl. Charlton, Best, Law. Gibb, Gibb, Gibb. Domingo, Carreras, Pavarotti... I could go on but just what is it about the trio? Is three really the magic number?
Here at #none60 we can't answer that but we can add another trio to the mystery in the shape of #3VS - #Akuratyde, #Monika and #Tellus.
#RedSunDriveEP is everything that makes a #none60 release - melody, warm bass, intricate rhythms and just a touch of noise to add some signature grit!
This is just the beginning for #3VS, if you are fans of their respective solo work you will not be disappointed with this EP. Give it a listen and it a spin!
P.S - For the sake of balance I will grudgingly give this trio a mention - Firmino, Salah and Mane!"
