Leipzig-based bass music producer #DRANQ is releasing his EP "#Serpentine" on #RanRad, which was launched last year as a sub-label of Beijing's #RanMusic. This EP has included 5 tracks made from his DIY modular synth, combining classic acid and electro elements with contemporary low frequency sound design to create lively and precise melody sequences that are wrapped by warm phat bass lines. These sounds deliver the most expected climax moment to the dance floor like agile reptiles as indicated by the EP title.
"#Serpentine" is the second vinyl release of #RanRad. The artwork was made by our favourite German visual artist #SuperQuiet, and the mastering of this EP was done by the well-respected Leipzig bass music scene veteran LXC.
About #DRANQ:
Early influences of #Jungle, #HipHop and #Hardcore merged into bass heavy gangster music for nerds. After growing up fascinated by recordings of late 90s UK club music, playing in bands and diving into the realms of experimental Hardcore, #DRANQ got involved with #Dubstep around 2007 and quickly rediscovered a long lost love for #HipHop, beats and everything halftime. Putting together events and connecting with the local scene in Bremen manifested his interest in #Breakcore and other 'off genres' and lead to first attempts in writing music outside of a band setting using a variety of aliases along the way.
Fast forward a bit and #DRANQ's further musical development turned into a full-on obsession with sound. Now residing in Leipzig, he spent the last two years working on a body of music full time, bringing it all together with a DIY attitude, enthusiasm for weird hardware and a self- made modular synth.
#DRANQ's music is combining the feel of old breakdance records with a modern approach to experimental beats. An ongoing attempt to break ground between catchy and odd, wonky tape sound and the open-ended possibilities of the laptop era.
Related links: https://www.ran-music.com/ran-rad https://soundcloud.com/dranq https://soundcloud.com/ran-music https://ranmusicbj.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ranmusicbj/ https://www.facebook.com/dranq1/
