Tipped to be one of the new-breed of production forces of 2020, #Halflow makes his #ProgRam debut with a two-track single underpinning the reasons why. His stripped back, yet masterful sound is one which has already resonated across the underground and this is how he was selected to join #ProgRam’s ranks, something that's expanded to over 100 releases. The sister-label of #RamRecords, it’s become a force within its own right, and it's helped launch many careers, mainly talented newcomers like #Halflow.
‘#MudPump’ gristles with patches of LFO basses while ‘#StumbleRiddim’ sits on top of a honed groove, alongside the same growling distortion. So once again, it’s time to get with the #ProgRam, delving deep into the underbelly of its catalogue with #Halflow.
