For InsideInfo's next project he brings #Rhymestar into the mix with a track which takes it back to the underground, reintroducing you to the sounds which helped grow the UK's music culture over the last decade. Although with Insideinfo's solid foundations within dance music this comes as no surprise, having already made appearances on imprints such as #Viper_Recordings (with his debut '#Insideinfo' LP), the historic #Virus_Recordings, #Critical and more. Musically he's covered ground and this commitment to a versatile output continues through his forthcoming single '#Airwaves'.
#Rhymestar adds his vocals to this garage-reminiscent cut, one which constantly switches genre's through the static radio interference on its journey through dance music history. It's one which nods to the pirate radio stations which cultivated the influences of #Insideinfo, from his origins as a pirate radio DJ. It pays homage to his diverse background, not just within the drum & bass world but one which also stretches further across other subgenres of dance music too.
Buy / Stream - https://bit.ly/2wpxDC4 https://www.insideinfomusic.com/ https://soundcloud.com/insideinfo https://twitter.com/PaulInsideInfo https://www.facebook.com/insideinfomusic https://www.instagram.com/insideinfo/
