#OYO premieres its second release courtesy of #L3MMYDUBZ, who makes his debut introduction on the newfound jump-up label for #OYO002. A young producer joining the# OYO ranks from within the well entrenched UK side of the jump up scene, #L3MMYDUBZ productions merge his menagerie of influences from deep dubstep to acid house within a singularly energetic drum & bass sound. By virtue of such novel tonalities, tracks from #L3MMYDUBZ have seen widespread across the drum & bass spectrum, with his multiple releases on labels such as #DJBlackley’s #CRE8DNB and #ReloadRecords UK featuring as selections within the sets of artists such as #Noisia, #SASASAS, #DJCraze and more.
#L3MMYDUBZ delivers #OYO002 as a dynamic continuation of this sonic lineage with a set of four tracks imbued with his signature energy. From the liquified basslines of #PARAPHERNALIA to the classic tearout timbres of #NOVA, #L3MMYDUBZ unique integration of multi genre influence within the jump up sound delivers widens the genres tonal palette without compromising on its dancefloor efficacy. #OYO002 thus complements the eccentric experimentation of #OYO’s first release as #L3MMYDUBZ joins the roster to further push the boundaries of the Jump Up sound.
