#QuentinHiatus first made his mark on #ProgRam through his ‘#BriefHistory’ EP earlier in 2018, which saw him come under the radar of an array of taste making platforms, including names such as #UKF. With an eclectic taste for dance music, his sounds have developed through several subgenres and as a result his music is as unique as it is versatile. He now returns to #ProgRam with forthcoming single ‘#EstimatetheCost’ and ‘#TooBadIHavetoLove’, joining #Ram’s counterpart for two more brooding cuts.
The first of the fresh selections, ‘#EstimatetheCost’ is a rumbling, minimalistic record with calling vocal atmospherics. Its reverse ‘#TooBadIHavetoLove’ then features staggered snare patterns and waves of bass giving it a heavier feel. Together, they prove They highlight how #QuentinHiatus is continuing to push his subversive appeal.
So once again, it’s time to get with the ProgRam. One that's taking you back to the foundations of the underground.
