Wrapping up an outstanding year which has seen her lend her vocal talents to revered drum and bass labels including #LiquidV and #CoLabRecordings, Scottish soulstress #Sahala presents her debut EP, #TimeTravel. The project serves as the Manchester-based singer’s first outing on #ForestBizRecords, following on from her outstanding guest appearance on #Katch’s wonky electronic anthem “#HowDoesItFeel?” last year. The lion’s share of the EP is produced by label regulars, although frequent collaborator #DiligentFingers also lends a hand, making for a highly varied EP showcasing a handful of the many strings to #Sahala’s bow.
Known for her contributions to various groups including the indie bands #AriaSky and #InSENSÉ and the New Zealand rap outfit #TheSettlers, #Sahala’s distinctive style draws on myriad influences, many of which shine through over the course of the EP. Teaming up with Idaho junglist #EvoluShawn on the atmospheric opener “#BreakInTime”, she laces a combination of clattering breaks, punchy subs and reverberating pads, delivering an impassioned topline steeped in patois and positively dripping with R&B influences. “#Control”, meanwhile, places her commanding vocals atop #Sippor’s voweled synthwork and two-step grooves, making for an intriguing concoction occupying the grey area between garage and bassline.
“#Rise”, which features both production and vocal contributions from Mancunian heavyweight #DiligentFingers, is a feel-good Rastafarian roller, furnished with luscious, vibrato-tinged chords and slinking basslines. Finally, concluding the project with flair is “#Example”, a breezy trip-hop collaboration with Burnley’s #BitLoud which spotlights #Sahala’s silky half-sung, half-rapped vocals, once again reaffirming the rising star’s rare willingness to tackle any style she sees fit. With an outlook this refreshing and a list of collaborators looking increasingly impressive by the day, listeners would be wise to get acquainted.
Social media links:
Diligent Fingers:
Forest Biz:
