Locked away in the Swiss mountains, #TaskHorizon have since delivered their biggest release of 2020. Comprising of four brand new tracks, their ‘#RaisedbyRobots’ EP pulls together the talent which has made their sounds so easily identifiable. After spending years perfecting their craft, they’re about to unleash another set of tracks on #EvolutionChamber and once again joining the ranks of #Receptor and #Magnetude, the label’s looking as one of the strongest contenders of this year. Its unstoppable release schedule is a testament to this.
‘#Legacy’ stands as the EP’s starting point and on top of zapping bass stabs, plucked electronic strings and a climatic first breakdown, it pulls you deep into the world of #TaskHorizon. Following suit is ‘#ShrinkRay’, with rolling drum rhythms and twists of sonic crackling beneath its percussion. ‘#Mindfragger’ focuses more on the group’s chaotic side, drawing you in through its fluctuating note patterns and driving synthesis. Then finally the package is ended by ‘#DrowninginFire’, a track which goes for the jugular for another selection with cutthroat precision and chaotic drum sequences. The refined mechanics of #TaskHorizon ooze through the record whilst it ducks and dives through its jagged bassline across ‘#DrowninginFire’, showing their penchant for carefully orchestrated sonic chaos.
The story of ‘#RaisedbyRobots’ streams across both the EP’s music and artwork, which is a defining part of #EvolutionChamber’s short history. It’s a label of epic and creative proportions; through artists like #TaskHorizon, they’ve been able to blur the lines between drum & bass and the sci-fi reality of their musical vision.
Beatport Exc: 9th Oct
