#Delta9Recordings continues it’s campaign for 2020 with British producer #Trex who throws down his latest contribution to their repertoire with pure raw madness. With support rising from a number of big artists marks his position as one of the most hottest prospects in the scene.
For beginning record ‘#ShutDown’, #Trex pluck together streamlined beats and subterranean quakes of bass. ‘#ShutDown’ is menacing in its composition and pulls you in deep into its mix of steppy drum sequences and heavyweight bass. It gives you a different look into #Trex production, as it takes a rawer turn. On the reverse, #Trex introduces you to ‘#RockPaperScissors’. It yet again opens you up to the raw and gritty world of #Trex. Beginning with accurately crafted drums and a minimalism which slowly draws you out into a sick dirty roller. Each snipping hi-hat is underpinned by slamming kicks and before long you’re moved into a spectrum which is just as raw as its predecessors.
Make sure to grab this one, play it loud and follow this amazing producer!
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